Make your brand relevant through the power of gaming

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For maximum engagement,
Gameplay always wins.

At DAYZERO© we build gaming experiences, tournaments, hang-out places and custom maps using leading platforms and games.

We build gaming experiences to drive results.

We design custom gaming experiences, tournaments, hangout spaces, and maps on popular platforms and games


We create custom gaming experiences, tournaments, hang-out places, and custom maps using popular platforms and games.

We help brands engage gaming communities and build their own through impactful and engaging activations.


We help brands tap into existing gaming communities and strengthen their own brand communities through engaging activations

We connect brands with top esports players, coaches, and creators to engage and resonate with gaming audiences.


We connect brands with top esports players, coaches, and content creators to reach and resonate with gaming audiences.


3.2 billion people play video games 

DAYZERO© build gaming experiences, tournaments, hang-out places and custom maps using platforms and games.


registered users in Fortnite. They recently broke their record of concurrent players in a single day, with 46 million players.


monthly active players in Roblox. Some experiences in Roblox can have up to 1 million players active at the same time.


of Gen Z & Millennial males say it is cool to player video games. 71% call themselves a "Gamer"


of Gen Z thinks styling their avatar is more important than their physical self.

We help brands become relevant in youth target groups — through engaging gaming experiences

Gaming is the new social hang out for generations Alpha and Z and transcends all aspects of everyday life for millions everyday.  We understand gaming, the audience and the opportunities for brands to become relevant for millions of todays and tomorrows consumers.

Tools for Brand Relevancy
Diagram showing tools for brand relevancy across Traditional Media, Social Media, and Gaming Media platforms like Roblox, TikTok, and GTA.